What is a dental bridge?
A dental bridge is one of several ways we have in dentistry to replace a missing tooth. If you lose a tooth due to an accident or decay, a bridge hooks onto the tooth behind and the tooth in front to hold a tooth that doesn’t have a root. It looks like a bridge, similar to a plank laid on top of a canal for crossing.
What is the difference between a bridge and dentures?
A bridge is permanently attached to your teeth, similar to a crown, and you don’t notice it as fake. Dentures, on the other hand, can be removed and are generally okay for chewing, but that’s about it.
What are the pros and cons of dental bridges?
On the plus side, dental bridges don’t come in and out, and in certain cases, they can be the most aesthetically pleasing option for restoring a smile. On the con side, there’s maintenance involved, and when they eventually fail, which everything in dentistry has a lifespan, it usually means replacing the bridge.
What are the different types of dental bridges?
The types of bridges vary by length and material. They can range from a few teeth to as many as 16 teeth long. Materials can be gold, like the grills gangsters used to wear, or porcelain, which is white and doesn’t show metal. Many people opt to replace older porcelain-infused metal bridges with full porcelain for a more lifelike appearance.
What are the benefits of dental bridges?
Having a tooth, especially if it’s one of the front ones, can be a big emotional benefit. Even for back teeth, replacing them is important because you need solid teeth to chew with. Otherwise, you risk damaging your front teeth.
Is dental bridge work painful?
Pain is a major concern, but with a dental bridge, beyond the initial anesthetic shot, the procedure is painless. Often, we can complete the process in a single day at our office since we fabricate them in-house.
How long does a dental bridge last?
The average lifespan of a dental bridge is 15 to 20 years, although this can vary based on initial conditions and care. The longest-lasting bridge I’ve seen was 63 years old, which emphasizes the importance of proper care.
How should I care for my dental bridge?
Flossing underneath the bridge is crucial. Depending on the design, this might be easier or harder. Regular hygiene visits every six months are also essential for catching any issues early and prolonging the life of your bridge and natural teeth.
When should I schedule an appointment for a dental bridge?
Just give us a call at Farmington Family Dental at (573) 756-5760. We’d love to see you anytime.